We are also pleased to announce that we have had the joy of working with BBC Teach to produce a series of 6 films for their wonderful education platform – all based on the new KS1 RSE curriculum. They cover a range of topics important for the new curriculum, including:
- Showing respect with Eden and Ava’s family
- When families grow and change with Alexa’s family
- Supporting and helping one another with Zac, Nathan and Josh’s family
- Caring family networks with Ivy’s family
- Helping out with Buster and Dexter’s family
- Same-sex families (two mums) with Henry’s family
These 6 films are accompanied by a full set of teacher’s notes.
We are so very proud of these videos, and the beautiful families who kindly shared their time and wisdom with us – as well as excited that the wonderful Our Family brand will help children learn about healthy and happy family relationships. You can watch the films and download the teacher’s notes from the BBC website, here! Please do enjoy and share.
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